Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Alright, enough about my birthday! My fellow co-workers are tired of hearing about my "big" day, "Mindy, It's time you update the blog!"


We are so excited that the 4th annual AMUSE-A-PALOOZA Stamp Extravaganza is just around the corner, July 10th through July 19, 2009!

We are the only store is San Antonio celebrating this wonderful event this year. AMUSE Art Stamps will be unveiling their new line of Holiday stamps on Friday, July 10, 2009. Stamp Antonio Arts will be holding a "Grand Reveal Preview Party" on that Friday from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, with holiday music, refreshments, and FUN! Classes using the New stamps will begin on Saturday, July 11th, and continue for the entire week following, through July 18, 2009. You may check our website for a complete list of daily events that will be featured.

With each event you participate in, you will receive tickets on which to register for the Grand Prize drawing during AMUSE-A-PALOOZA week. The more events you participate in, the more chances you will receive for the drawing. For example: If you sign up for an AMUSE class by July 4th, either in person or by telephone, you will receive 3 tickets = 3 chances to WIN a PRIZE!

So, get on the horn, and give us a call! The class listings are on the website, or on our display board here at the store! Decide which classes you want to take, and start collecting your tickets for your chance at the AMUSE GRAND PRIZE!

Mindy and the Team at Stamp Antonio Arts

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